The Lenten season is upon us. This 40-day season reminds us of the 40 years the Israelites spent wandering in the wilderness toward the land God had promised. It also reminds us of the 40 days Jesus spent tempted in the wilderness. Lent begins this year on Ash Wednesday, March 5, and continues through Easter Sunday, April 20. You’ll notice this is longer than 40 days. Sundays during Lent are considered mini-Easters, glimpses of the resurrection story to come. So, it is an excellent time to prepare for the miracle on which our faith is centered- the resurrection of Christ.
As an exercise in discipleship and fellowship, members of the Huntsville First UMC church family have been asked to consider sharing a devotional for each of the 40 days of Lent, focusing on our theme, Out of the Wilderness, Into New Life. What follows each day is that gift. We pray these will bless your journey with Jesus through your own wilderness toward the cross.
For a downloadable version of the devotions for week two, click the link below.
Huntsville First UMC – WEEK TWO Lenten Devotionals_ March 11, 2025 – March 17, 2025