
Baptism is a sacrament, or means of God’s grace, by which we are initiated into Christ’s Church, incorporated into God’s acts of salvation, and are given new birth through water and God’s Spirit. Baptism is a gift, freely given by God. As part of the Church universal, we recognize baptisms from all other Christian churches, baptize persons at all ages and stages of a person’s life, and will welcome God’s grace through sprinkling, pouring, or immersion. Baptism need only be received once.

Baptisms may be scheduled during any of our regular Sunday worship services. Should you desire baptism for yourself (or your child), a member of our clergy team would be delighted to contact you after you complete the form.

Please fill out this form to start the baptism process.

120 Greene Street  |  Huntsville, AL 35801  |  256-539-5738

120 Greene Street
Huntsville, AL 35801