
Huntsville First UMC

Throughout the Bible there are core teachings that emerge and serve as a foundation for the Body of Christ on earth. The central teaching of Scripture is the love of God. This is most clearly seen in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus for a lost and dying world. All of our core beliefs flow from the truth that Jesus is the Resurrected Savior and He will come again.

The United Methodist Church

On April 23, 1968, The United Methodist Church was created when Bishop Reuben H. Mueller, representing The Evangelical United Brethren Church, and Bishop Lloyd C. Wicke of The Methodist Church joined hands at the constituting General Conference in Dallas, Texas. With the words, “Lord of the Church, we are united in Thee, in Thy Church and now in The United Methodist Church,” the new denomination was given birth by two churches that had distinguished histories and influential ministries in various parts of the world.

Theological traditions steeped in the Protestant Reformation and Wesleyanism, similar ecclesiastical structures, and relationships that dated back almost two hundred years facilitated the union. In the Evangelical United Brethren heritage, for example, Philip William Otterbein, the principal founder of the United Brethren in Christ, assisted in the ordination of Francis Asbury to the superintendency of American Methodist work. Jacob Albright, through whose religious experience and leadership the Evangelical Association was begun, was nurtured in a Methodist class meeting following his conversion.

120 Greene Street  |  Huntsville, AL 35801  |  256-539-5738

120 Greene Street
Huntsville, AL 35801