As we devote ourselves to the ministry and mission of the Church, not only do we invest in the lives of others, but we also find our place and discover our purpose within the body of Christ.
The goal of the GO Team is to make the vision of EVERY MEMBER ON MISSION a reality.
We believe Huntsville First’s response to God’s call for us to be on mission will be determined by our entire congregation’s generosity to the Faith Promise missions budget and willingness to answer God’s call and to get involved personally in service to others.
For more information about our partnerships or to get involved in missions, please contact
Rev. Byron Vance ( or Margo Alford (
In Order: JoJo Campbell, Marnie Woeber, Margo Alford
The mission of Huntsville First is to influence our community to know the love of Jesus Christ. One of the ways we work toward this is by serving marginalized children in our community.
Below is a list of our child-focused mission partners. Click on any of their logos to learn about them and what we are striving to accomplish together in our community!
Seeing our mission to influence our community to know the love of Jesus Christ come to fruition also involves serving marginalized adults in the Huntsville area.
We are honored to come alongside our mission partners below in order to serve! Click on any logo below to learn more.
As our fair city of Huntsville continues to grow and thrive, we have realized an increasing need to serve those in our community who may be hungry, hurting, and homeless.
These excellent mission partners are dedicated to seeing to these needs. Click on any of the logos below to learn more about being Jesus’ hands and feet within our community.
Faith Promise Giving
We participate in United Methodist missions worldwide through our connectional giving (5% of our offerings in 2024) and locally through the Faith Promise Giving that funds our GO Mission partners. Faith Promise is a major means by which Huntsville First UMC is able to impact not only our community, but the world with the transformative love of Jesus Christ. Faith Promise pledge cards can be brought forward during worship on January 26. This piece of our stewardship response to God funds Go Missions through the year.