There are many opportunities to connect with other women at Huntsville First United Methodist Church.  

We are a group of women who enjoy fellowship with each other, give to local and global missions and grow together in faith.

We are made up of several groups most of whom meet monthly.  The meetings occur in a variety of locations including our church, homes, with our service partners, and at restaurants. All ages are welcome! Along with our circles, we have other groups including a crochet club, book club, and Bible study groups.

At a typical meeting, a meal is shared followed by a program. Sometimes we have a speaker from one of our local missions. We have joint events throughout the year.  Many of us enjoy going to an overnight retreat every winter.


Most of our women’s groups exist as part of the national United Women in Faith structure of the Methodist church.  Driven by God’s love and united in sisterhood, we work to improve the lives of women, children, and youth.  United Women in Faith members are committed to spiritual growth, giving to mission, social justice, and living out their faith. They meet regularly for prayer, study, social action, and mission engagement — they also get together just to have fun. We invite you to join us.

Sarah Circle (Sarah) Genesis 17,18 
Carolyn Puryear    

Meets monthly on the third Monday at 10:00am either at the church, mission locations, and other centers. Programs are presented by speakers from missions the circle supports or wishes to learn about helping.  The group has hands-on service opportunities at missions including New Futures, Huntsville Learning Center, UMCOR in Decatur, and other missions supported by the Church.  While learning about the missions and serving them, the group also enjoys fellowship and friendship within the circle.

Ruth Circle (Ruth) Ruth 116 
Patricia Moore          

Throughout the year, Ruth Circle thrives to participate in various projects, both hands on and monetarily supporting women, children and families. We meet the 3rd Monday of each month at 10:00am September through May at member homes. 

Mothers & Daughters Circle (Mothers and Daughters) 2 Timothy 1:5 
Lynne Fortner   

Meets monthly on the third Tuesday evening at 5:45pm, usually at the church. The Mothers and Daughters Circle is a multigenerational circle which fosters relationships between mothers and daughters; however, the circle welcomes women of all ages who have diverse ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds and who are committed to mission.

Martha Circle (Martha) Luke 10:38-41 
Marti Stone              

Meets monthly on the third Monday at 10:00am in the parlor.

Tabitha Circle (Tabitha) Acts 9:36-42
Wendy Henshaw            

This group does not meet regularly but supports various service opportunities.

Book Group
Mary Alice Brinkley   

The Book Club meets the first Monday of the month at 1:00pm in the church parlor. Members read books from the United Women in Faith Reading Program list. Meetings include stimulating conversation, refreshments, and lots of fun. 

Lynne’s Bible Study    
Lynne Fortner

Lynne’s Ladies is a Bible study open to women of all ages. It meets on Tuesday and Thursday mornings in Room 317 of the Main Building.  The fall term begins in September, and the spring term begins in January.  Depending on the study, each term meets from six to eight weeks. Each lady obtains her own copy of the study manual.  


Prayer Shawl Ministry

The Prayer Shawl Ministry meets every Tuesday at 1:00p.m. in the parlor.  The group knits or crochets a variety of items that are then delivered by members of the congregation to those who are going through a difficult time due to severe illness or grief or may be welcoming a new baby into their family.  Anyone, regardless of age, is welcome–no experience needed.  We will be happy to teach those interested in joining us to knit or crochet.


Frannie Leach


Laura Jo Hamilton


Judith Baxter


Shelia Irby

If you would like more information about connecting with other women at our church, click the link below to send us a message.

120 Greene Street  |  Huntsville, AL 35801  |  256-539-5738

120 Greene Street
Huntsville, AL 35801